The Bader International Study Centre of Queen’s University (Canada) will be hosting the inaugural Field School of Deaf Geographies (FSDG) for undergraduate students from 17th June to 15th July. The school will be held in the picturesque setting of Queen University’s (Canada) picturesque Herstmonceux Castle, situated in East Sussex. The school will also host a culminating three-day academic workshop, the FSDG Workshop, 12-14 July, 2013.

FSDG’s curriculum has a dual focus on both human geographical perspectives on the history of Deaf space, as well as on the theory and methods of human geography. The fundamental learning goals of the field school are to thoughtfully and critically engage with Human Geography from a Deaf cultural perspective, and to encourage the enthusiasm and efforts of new researchers at all levels of study in this exciting new area of research.

The FSDG Workshop will bring together those from around the world whose research – past and present – engages with the themes of Deaf Geographies. It will be structured as per the format of an academic conference during which professional researchers will present on a chosen aspect of their research in the field of Deaf Geographies. Further to this, the workshop will provide the students who have participated in the field school with the opportunity to present the findings from their research projects, and to collect feedback from the visiting academics.

The Workshop will provide an invaluable forum where all those interested can connect with the growing network of Deaf Geographies and appreciate the diversity of expertise that is emanating from a broad array of disciplinary perspectives in the humanities and social sciences. Critically, the workshop will afford participants the opportunity to participate in important discussions around the present contexts of Deaf Geographies and to generate important questions around the futures of the field.

Academics whose work intersects with Deaf Geographies are encouraged to submit abstracts for papers to be featured in the panel discussions of the Field School workshop. Abstracts are to be between 200 and 250 words, and are to be submitted to Mary Beth Kitzel, Field School Director by Friday 30th March 2013.

For more information, please visit this informational page.

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Disclaimer: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0939645. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


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