July 2015 IAGD Newsletter: Current Topics in Access & Inclusion

10. Current Topics in Access & Inclusion »Biology Professor’s Calling: Teach Deaf Students They Can Do Anything  Gretchen Miller, Executive Counselor This is a great story about Caroline Solomon, a deaf biology professor at Gallaudet University, who is inspiring her deaf and hearing impaired students to pursue science. Her...

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July 2015 IAGD Newsletter: Remembering Summer 2014

9. Remembering Summer 2014 IAGD Participated in an NSF-Sponsored Workshop on Diversity in the Computational Geosciences  Caitlin Callahan and Wendi J. W. Williams, Executive Counselors, represented IAGD. https://www2.cisl.ucar.edu/features/new-workshop-promotes-diversity Workshop participants represent geoscientists in academia, research, societies, and federal agencies.

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July 2015 IAGD Newsletter: Seeking Corporate Sponsorship

7. Seeking Corporate Sponsorship The IAGD is currently seeking corporate sponsorship to achieve our foundation goals. IAGD sponsors will receive international recognition through the naming of awards and initiatives that promote outstanding achievements in scholarship and service that promote the advancement of access and inclusion in the geoscience profession....

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July 2015 IAGD Newsletter: Synergistic Happenings

6. Synergistic Happenings American Geosciences Institute coordinates Consensus Statement Regarding Access and Inclusion of Individuals Living with Disabilities  AGI’s intention is to publicly post the statement on the AGI website August 2015, complete with the names of the organizations that have recognized and endorsed it. Watch for this important...

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July 2015 IAGD Newsletter: Mark Your Calendars!

5. Mark Your Calendars! » The 2015 IAGD Annual Meeting will occur on Sunday, November 1, during the Geological Society of America meeting that will be in Baltimore, Maryland (www.geosociety.org ). Many sessions at the annual GSA meeting lend themselves to advancing inclusion for diversity. The meeting is November...

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July 2015 IAGD Newsletter: Recent Meeting Notables

4. Recent Meeting Notables  »Confronting Barriers to Inclusion – Opening the Gate to Accessible Fieldwork  Alison Stokes, Executive Counselor On Friday 26th June 2015 around 40 delegates gathered at the Geological Society of London’s headquarters at Burlington House for a day of presentations and discussions around the key theme...

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©2025 IAGD. The IAGD is a 501c3, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization.

Disclaimer: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0939645. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


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