Color Vision Deficiency (CVD)

Color Vision Deficiency Chart (CVD)


Information and Resources on Color Vision Deficiency (CVD)

This page is a growing list of resources about CVD, otherwise known as color-blindness. We use CVD as a blanket term for all types of color vision differences.

CVD in science/geoscience

Colour me better: fixing figures for colour blindness. Alla Katsnelson, Nature, 2021.

Color vision Deficiency and the Geosciences. DePaor, et al., GSA Today, 2017. an online tool for selecting colour schemes for maps. Harrower, M., and Brewer, C.A. The Cartographic Journal, 2003.

Hoffman, R.R., et al. 1993. Some considerations in using color in

 meteorological displays. Weather and Forecasting, 8, pp.505-518.

Jenny, B., and Kelso, N.V. 2007. Color design for the vision impaired. Cartographic Perspectives, 57, pp.61-67.

Light, A., and Bartlein, P.J. 2004. The end of the rainbow? Color schemes for improved data graphics. Eos, 40(5), pp.385,391.

Montana, A. 2013. Triple point: color blind. Elements, 9(3), p.165.

2016 IAGD Forum discussion on accommodations for students with CVD:!topic/the-iagd/6NDl-zvR9MM

CVD in General Population 

Saey, T.H. (2016). Color vision strategy defies textbook picture.  Vol. 190, No. 8, October 15, 2016, p. 10.

General facts on CVD from the National Eye Institute:

Designing CVD-friendly visualizations

Adobe Illustrator CVD previews (choose View->Proof Setup->Proof Colors):

Colorbrewer (online tool for testing of color schemes for maps, with CVD safe option):

Color Oracle (free CVD simulator software for Windows/Mac/Linux):

CVD Adaptive Tools

*IAGD does not endorse any of these tools, we are providing the information to those who may be interested in this topic.

EnChroma (corrective glasses for red-green CVD) and related articles:

Spectrum (Chrome extension to view webpages for various CVDs):

Visolve (free for personal use software that transforms color displays for various CVDs, available for Windows/Mac/iPhone):



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Disclaimer: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0939645. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


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