Diversity in Geoscience UK (DiG-UK) is the newly-established UK chapter of the IAGD. The IAGD is now an Associated Society of the Geological Society of London, and DiG-UK aims to expand the mission and vision of the IAGD while focusing specifically on the needs, values and resources in the UK. Within this context, DiG-UK will undertake to broaden its responsibility beyond disability to cover wider aspects of diversity including, but not restricted to, gender, race and ethnicity, sexuality and social class.
DiG-UK is co-lead by Dr Jacqueline Houghton (University of Leeds) and Dr Alison Stokes (University of Plymouth). Jacqui and Alison are active members of the IAGD community and Executive Committee, and members of the Committee of the Geological Society of London Higher Education Network. Alison is also a member of the Committee of Heads of Environmental Sciences, where she holds the portfolio for diversity and inclusivity.
Good Practice in Inclusion, Diversity and Equality in GEES Higher Education
Higher Education Network of the Geological Society’s annual meeting joint with Diversity in Geoscience, UK.
15th-16th January, 2019
School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds
Abstract deadline is now Friday 23rd November. Please submit abstracts for talks (15th) and/or workshops/discussions (16th) to j.houghton@leeds.ac.uk
The University of Leeds is hosting the 2019 HEN Annual Meeting, which this year is jointly convened with Diversity in Geoscience, UK. The theme is Good Practice in Inclusion, Diversity and Equality in GEES Higher Education. This meeting will provide a forum for lively discussion and the sharing of good practice between teachers, students, practitioners, employers and other stakeholders. We very much welcome participation from across the GEES disciplines. The first day will focus on oral presentations and the second more on interactive sessions such as small group discussions and workshops. Offers of contributions across all of these formats, and on any aspect of inclusion, diversity and equality, are warmly invited. Some suggested themes include, but are not restricted to:
- Attracting and retaining students from diverse backgrounds.
- Who’s here? How equal is GEES HE?
- Approaches to student and staff mental health.
- Making fieldwork more inclusive and accessible.
- How to make assessment more inclusive.
Our schedule will include the HEN AGM, to which all delegates are cordially invited.
Registration and abstract submission
To register for one or both days please visit the conference page at: https://bit.ly/2A69TFE
To submit an abstract or proposal for interactive session or for further information please contact Jacqueline Houghton (j.houghton@leeds.ac.uk). Registration opens on 12th October 2018. Fees are £30 per day for regular delegates, and £15 per day for students. Conference details can also be found on the HEN webpage (www.geolsoc.org.uk/hen). Some additional financial support may be available for students to attend this event: please enquire by email in the first instance to judi.lakin@geolsoc.org.uk.
- Deadline for abstract submission: 5pm on Friday 16th November 2018
- Deadline for registration: Monday 7th January 2019
Keep up with the news from the Higher Education Network: www.jiscmail.ac.uk/geolsoc-he and from DiG-UK: www.jiscmail.ac.uk/DIG-UK-IAGD
DiG-UK launch event: 4th June 2018

Demo of VR fieldwork
DiG-UK officially launched on 4th June at the Geological Society of London with an event that was attended by approximately 30 delegates from academia, professional associations and industry. This inaugural meeting was themed around supporting learners with disabilities, and focused on facilitating networking and community building through a series of interactive workshops, discussions and presentations.
Cedric John (Senior Lecturer in Earth Science at Imperial College and Chair of the Department of Earth Science and Engineering Mental Health Action Team) delivered the first session of the day, which focused on the importance of providing mental health support for students and academic staff. This was followed by an open, interactive

Networking over lunch
session in which delegates shared aspects of their practice and experience, and included:
- Demonstrations of equipment for accessing fieldwork remotely, and through virtual reality;
- Discussions around providing support for geoscience training, embedding an inclusive curriculum, and perspectives from employers and professional bodies;
- An introduction to ‘Diversity Dash’, a game aimed at raising awareness of learner diversity.
For the final session, Chris Atchison (University of Cincinnati and Executive Director of the International Association for Geoscience Diversity) led an interactive workshop on advocacy and leadership for supporting diversity.

Jacqui Houghton, Alison Stokes and Chris Atchison
Overall it was excellent day which has generated some great feedback, and given us lots to think about. We anticipate some exciting developments over the next year! To follow our progress or keep in touch you can:
* Follow us on Twitter @DiG_UK_IAGD
* Follow us on Facebook @DiG.UK.IAGD
* Sign up to our DiG-UK mailing list
* Contact Jacqui or Alison directly by email.