Martin Griffin
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Hi, this is my first post. The Access to Working funding cap increased by £15,000, meaning the new cap is set at £57,200 per person. This is excellent news for those who are disabled and qualifly for the UK’s Access to Work; this initiative provides means-tested workplace support to help disabled people into work – including transport grants and keep jobs. Also excellent news for those of us looking for a new position or those currently fortunuate to be employed.

At present, I am unemployed Chartered Engineer and Chartered Geologist with 18 years professional experience and I am disabled. Yes, I am disabled – I have dyslexia-dyspraxia; and I am partially eye sighted. Consequently, I do not have a full UK driving license and unable to drive becuase of my eye condition. My conditions do not affect my professional and technical skillset working in a commercial office environment. My disabilities are such that I would not be thought over-confident, far less brash. That said, I am confident that I could make significant, valuable contributions to a well-managed earth science (geoeological or geotechnical) team in which disparate gifts are fully valued and integrated. We just need some more forward looking companies and those who are to prepared to take a risk on me!!!

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Disclaimer: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0939645. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


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