A Student Ambassador for the International Association for Geoscience and Diversity (IAGD) will serve as a connection between the Ambassador’s university and the IAGD. The purpose of this connection is to share information and resources provided by the IAGD with individual universities, while helping to create an inclusive community of diverse ability levels within the larger geoscience community. The Ambassador will also assist in developing the IAGD Student Community by actively sharing information about educational opportunities such as scholarships and fellowships, posting information from the IAGD on their social media platforms, and maintaining an online presence in the Student Community Forums on the IAGD website.
Conference Participation
Support to attend one local or regional conference to network with students and professionals as a representative of the IAGD. This support could include a travel grant, poster printing, editing, or other services.
Present our mission to your university.
Help recruit new students to our Student Community.
Engage with our Student Community on our website.
Assist with fundraising campaigns on social media.
Actively promote the IAGD on you social media pages.
Other activities that contribute to the Student Community or the IAGD in meaningful ways.
Eligibility Requirements
Enrolled in an accredited 2 or 4 year university or community college with good academic standing. Full time status is not required, and students at all levels of their education are welcome to apply.
Must possess an interest in the geosciences or a closely related field (but a major in geosciences is not required).
Self-motivated, and able to work without direct supervision. Be able to work independently and collaborate with diverse individuals.
Must be interested in fostering an inclusive environment for students of diverse ability levels.
Must be able to actively participate in the online IAGD Student Community through activities such as, but not limited to, those listed above.
Any questions or concerns about becoming a Student Ambassador for the IAGD please reach out to the Chairman of the Student Community Sean Thatcher at st810 [at] scarletmail.rutgers.edu.
Cole Kingsbury works the IAGD booth and shows off a tactile map used on a recent field trip.
Advocacy Experience
We at the IAGD strive to create an inclusive environment within the geoscience community. We actively help our community create inclusive spaces, and you would help in these efforts.
Professional Development
We encourage all Ambassadors to present our message at your home university and at conferences, while we help you improve your resume, writing, and public communication skills.
Present our mission to your university.
Help recruit new students to our Student Community.
Engage with our Student Community on our website.
Assist with fundraising campaigns on social media.
Actively promote the IAGD on you social media pages.
Other activities that contribute to the Student Community or the IAGD in meaningful ways.
Eligibility Requirements
Enrolled in an accredited 2 or 4 year university or community college with good academic standing. Full time status is not required, and students at all levels of their education are welcome to apply.
Must possess an interest in the geosciences or a closely related field (but a major in geosciences is not required).
Self-motivated, and able to work without direct supervision. Be able to work independently and collaborate with diverse individuals.
Must be interested in fostering an inclusive environment for students of diverse ability levels.
Must be able to actively participate in the online IAGD Student Community through activities such as, but not limited to, those listed above.
Any questions or concerns about becoming a Student Ambassador for the IAGD please reach out to the Chairman of the Student Community Sean Thatcher at st810 [at] scarletmail.rutgers.edu.
The IAGD is a 501c3, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization. 100% of all donations support inclusive and accessible programs for students and geoscientists with disabilities.
Disclaimer: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0939645. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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