The IAGD partners with researchers and educators to support research activities and projects related to breaking barriers and promoting the inclusion and success of geoscientists with disabilities.

*We are working on this page and will add more of our projects soon!*

Current Projects working with the IAGD

GP-GO: GeoScientists Promoting Accessible Collaborative Education (the GeoSPACE Project) [links to external site]. NSF GEOPAths, Award #2023124. Research Team: Anita Marshall, Jen Piatek, Amy Williams, Steve Elardo, Dave Williams, Trevor Collins, Sean Thatcher, Lis Gallant, Yesenia Arroyo.

Planning Grant: From Classroom to Career: Building a Culture of Access for Geoscientists with Disabilities. NSF Culture Change in the Geosciences, Award #2228095. Research Team: Anita Marshall,  Jenifer Piatek, Elisabeth Sibert, Michele Cooke, Cinzia Cervato & Shirley Jackson.

Past Projects

Inclusive Fieldwork Toolkit – Community resource of technology to enable accessible field work. NSF Equipment grant, Award # 1941497. Team: Anita Marshall, Chris Atchison, Trevor Collins. The grant may be over, but the lending library is active, check it out!


*We are working on this page and will add more of our projects soon!*


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©2025 IAGD. The IAGD is a 501c3, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization.

Disclaimer: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0939645. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


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