The IAGD network continued to build momentum in Denver, CO, USA at the 125th Anniversary Annual Meeting of GSA.  A lot has happened since our first official meeting in Charlotte, NC, USA last year: an approved Constitution and By-laws, an elected Executive Committee, being formally recognized as an Associated Society of GSA, and continued to increase awareness and membership of the IAGD network.

IAGD Members Gina Ceylan and Sang-Mook Lee at the IAGD booth at GSA 2013.

The second annual IAGD meeting was held Sunday night, October 27th.  Most of the Executive Committee was in attendance, as well as 9 general IAGD members.  Items discussed during the meeting included upcoming committee elections, membership and communications updates, establishing the IAGD Foundation, and future projects.  A follow-up virtual meeting for all members of the IAGD network will be held on Friday, December 20th, with details being made publicly available soon.

Two technical sessions were sponsored by the IAGD, both titled Geoscience across Cultures and Communities: Benefits and Challenges of Diversity.  The poster session under this title took place on Monday, October 26, and included 9 posters covering all aspects of diversity.  The oral session followed on Tuesday afternoon, October 27, with 13 presentations.  Many of the posters and talks were presented by IAGD members.  The sessions were well attended, and prompted interesting and relevant discussions.  For abstracts from the sessions please visit: and

The IAGD was represented in the conference exhibit hall again this year, sharing a collaborative booth with the International Union of Geological Sciences, Commission on Geoscience Education.  IAGD brochures, informational cards, and name-tag stickers were widely distributed.

Big Blue Bear outside of the Colorado Convention Center, Denver, CO, USA.

IAGD members also attended the Geoscience Educators’ Social Reception on Sunday night, October 27, and the GSA Diversity in the Geosciences Reception on Tuesday night, October 29.  Both receptions provided opportunities for discussing and promoting the important work of the IAGD.

This was a great conference, with over 40 new people being added to the IAGD network at the meeting.  Plans are in the works for Vancouver, British Columbia, next year, including a field trip of Vancouver’s geology, which will be held before the 2014 GSA Annual Meeting, and will be completely accessible for individuals of all abilities.  Additionally, the IAGD will again be in the exhibit hall in booth #319.

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©2025 IAGD. The IAGD is a 501c3, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization.

Disclaimer: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0939645. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


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