As a result of meetings at the Geological Society of America 2010 Annual meeting in Denver, Colorado, USA, the NAGD has expanded to the International Advisory for Geoscience Diversity (IAGD) and will begin working with collaborators to increase geoscience opportunities for students with disabilities around the world. More IAGD...
Author Archive for: Chris Atchison
Access-ABLE: Wright State University students experience Mammoth Cave National Park
Imagine a world where you are socially or academically excluded because of your physical abilities. Unfortunately, this is a reality for many students with disabilities in science classrooms today. In fact, it has become so common that many students, despite their continued interest, avoid science all together. A recent...
NAGD highlighted in the most recent issues of Ohio’s STEM Ability Alliance E-News
“Short Term Internships for OSAA Scholars in the Design of Virtual Reality Environments for Geoscience Education” For more, visit: OSAA E-News, December 2009 “Wright State University Offers EES 199, Introduction to Cave and Karst Systems Spring Quarter” OSAA E-News, March 2010 “Mammoth Cave Expedition an Overwhelming Success” OSAA E-News, June 2010...
NAGD highlighted in the National MS Society News
See the latest blog entry from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Buckeye Chapter that highlights the NAGD and the National Science Foundation funded virtual reality project.
Virtual Reality Could Keep You From Being a Surgical Guinea Pig
The Ohio Supercomputer Center Outreach Team would like to share this story that just posted to the Science Blog that discusses the growing use of simulation programs to make surgical training safer. It highlights, along with other projects, the temporal bone project led by Dr. Greg Wiet and...
New Funding from NSF
Great news! The National Science Foundation has funded the Opportunities for Enhansing the Diversity in the Geosciences (OEDG) Planning Grant. This funding will enable us to begin the pilot study that will lead to the development of the immersive virtual reality environment that will allow students who are mobility impaired...
The IAGD would like to welcome the two newest members to the advisory committee: Mrs. Liz Thompson and Dr. Robin Dillon.
Liz, a columnist & author for and Columbus, Ohio’s Suburban News, is a Jefferson Award Winner and an Ambassador for the MS Society. She suffers from Multiple Sclerosis and is also hearing impaired. She is extremely supportive of enhancing opportunites for diversity through innovation, and the idea of helping people with...
NAGD member David Stallman on his recent election to the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME), and appointment to President Obama’s National eHealth Collaborative. Best wishes David!
About Us:
The IAGD is a 501c3, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization. 100% of all donations support inclusive and accessible programs for students and geoscientists with disabilities.