9. Access and Inclusion Resources
IAGD Accessible Instruction Workshop
The IAGD is pleased to continue offering the Accessible Instruction Workshop. This workshop is a professional development program, providing inclusive instructional training to geoscience instructors and graduate-level teaching assistants. This program can be designed to fit the needs of your group, and presented from four hours to multiple days. If you are interested in hosting one of these workshops for your department, or even at a regional meeting, please contact us at info@TheIAGD.org.
Accessible PHET
Accessible and interactive resources and simulations for STEM
Cerebral Palsy Guide
Resources to support individuals with Cerebral Palsy
SAGE 2YC: Supporting Students with Disabilities
This website offers ideas and support for fostering access and inclusion of students living with disabilities, with particular emphasis on those studying geoscience at two-year colleges (2YCs).