8. Accessible Hydrology Field Course

»Deep Portage Hydrology Camp 

University of Minnesota

In collaboration with the IAGD, the University of Minnesota is working to make its Hydrogeology Field Camp fully accessible to students with disabilities. This three week summer program takes place in beautiful Minneapolis, on the UMN campus, and at the Deep Portage Conservation Reserve in north-central Minnesota.

This course is offered as both a 4-credit, writing intensive field course, and a 2 credit graduate-level course. The course is designed to teach students how to evaluate hydrogeologic problems by collecting and analyzing hydrogeologic, physical, and chemical field data. Students gain proficiency using state-of-the-art equipment as they study the surface and subsurface flow within a heavily instrumented ground water flow system.

For much more information please contact Scott Alexander [alexa017@umn.edu] or visit: https://sites.google.com/a/umn.edu/hydrogeology-field-camp/


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