3. IAGD Global Ambassadors Are you interested in representing your country on the IAGD Network? The IAGD will be holding an Executive Session this spring to discuss the latest action items, one of which is to continue to build momentum of the expanding membership network of members around the...
Author Archive for: Chris Atchison
January 2014 IAGD Newsletter: 2013 General Meeting Review
1. 2013 General Meeting Review The Second IAGD Annual Meeting was held in Denver, Colorado, USA, on Sunday, October 27, 2013. The IAGD Virtual Meeting, which provides a follow-up opportunity for those unable to travel to the Annual Meeting, was held on Thursday, December 19th, and hosted by the...
Instructional Accommodation Workshop Held at AGU
Members of the IAGD once again held the Instructional Approaches to Access, Accommodation, and Inclusion for Students with Disabilities in the Geosciences workshop at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Participation included undergraduate and graduate students, high school teachers and geoscience faculty, from six states and from six different...
2013 IAGD Annual Virtual Meeting
The recording from the 2013 IAGD Annual Virtual Meeting is now available here. ____________________________________ Join us for the 2013 IAGD Virtual Meeting Date: Thursday, December 19, 2013 Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm EST This is a follow-up to the IAGD Annual Meeting held in Denver, Colorado on October 27. The...
The IAGD Celebrates Five Years

In November of 2008, a national advisory group was established to reverse a noticeable trend in the underrepresentation of individuals with disabilities in the geoscience profession. This advisory group was built around stakeholders in the geosciences, science education, disabilities education and members of various research organizations. The advisory was...
A Final Review of the IAGD Events at the 2013 Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting

The IAGD network continued to build momentum in Denver, CO, USA at the 125th Anniversary Annual Meeting of GSA. A lot has happened since our first official meeting in Charlotte, NC, USA last year: an approved Constitution and By-laws, an elected Executive Committee, being formally recognized as an Associated...
Minutes of the 2013 IAGD General Meeting
Minutes of the IAGD General Meeting October 27, 2013, 4:00 pm, Denver, CO Note: A follow-up to this meeting will be conducted virtually on December 20, 2013. Access information to this webinar will be made available during the first week of December. Executive Committee in Attendance: Christopher Atchison,...
IAGD Membership Elects New Executive Counselors
The IAGD would like to welcome our newly elected Executive Counselors! Gretchen Miller, Geology Instructor in the Natural Science Department at Wake Technical Community College (Wake Tech), Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Caitlin Callahan, Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Department of Geological Sciences at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA....
Academic Resource Center Guides Geology Student Off the Beaten Path

Originally published May, 2011. “Good morning everyone,” began an email written by Kirsten Nicolaysen, assistant professor of geology, to the students of her spring semester “Volcanoes” class. “A reminder that today is one of two optional field trips. We will leave at 12:30 p.m. from the Hall of Science...
Revisiting the NSTA Position Statement on Students with Disabilities
This academic year marks the 10th anniversary for the development of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Position Statement on Students with Disabilities, which were published in May of 2004. The IAGD would like to begin a conversation on effectiveness of the position statement since it was created, and...
About Us:
The IAGD is a 501c3, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization. 100% of all donations support inclusive and accessible programs for students and geoscientists with disabilities.