8. IAGD Student Community Students are especially encouraged to join and help us continue to build the growing community of students with disabilities in the geosciences. This community will begin to provide a network of academic resources and personal advice for students interested in pursuing geoscience degree programs....
June 2014 IAGD Newsletter: Instructional Accommodation Workshop
6. Instructional Accommodation Workshop Bring one to your campus! The Instructional Approaches to Access, Accommodation, and Inclusion for Students with Disabilities in the Geosciences workshop has now been presented in Charlotte, NC, San Francisco, CA, San Antonio, TX, and in Brisbane, Australia. It has been presented in a...
June 2014 IAGD Newsletter: IAGD Global Ambassadors Wanted
7. IAGD Global Ambassadors Wanted Are you interested in representing your country on the IAGD Network? The IAGD global network is quickly expanding around the world. As such, we are seeking international ambassadors to work collaboratively with the IAGD Executive Committee in future development of the network and...
June 2014 IAGD Newsletter: The IAGD Foundation Update
5. The IAGD Foundation Update The development of the IAGD has proved to be a slow process, but we are making progress. We are currently seeking advice from other similar associations to be sure we are the most prepared for the future of the foundation. The establishment of...
June 2014 IAGD Newsletter: Events and Activities at the 2014 GSA Annual Meeting
4. Events and Activities at the 2014 GSA Annual Meeting IAGD Annual Meeting: Don’t forget to attend the IAGD Annual Meeting on Sunday afternoon, October 19! We pride ourselves in making sure that this meeting does not last longer than one hour! The exact time and location of...
June 2014 IAGD Newsletter: Access and Inclusion to Drive Upcoming AGI Forum
3. Access and Inclusion to Drive Upcoming AGI Forum On September 15, 2014, the leadership from many of the major geoscience organizations and societies will be hosted by the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) in Washington, D.C. The topic of this year’s forum will focus on the issues of...
June 2014 IAGD Newsletter: Nominations Sought for the IAGD Executive Committee
2. Nominations Sought for the IAGD Executive Committee Nominations are now being accepted for the IAGD Executive Committee, with the ballot opening around August 1. New Executive Committee members will be installed during the IAGD Annual Meeting in Vancouver, Canada, on Sunday, October 19, 2014. Open positions are:...
June 2014 IAGD Newsletter: Greetings from the IAGD Director
1. Greetings from the IAGD Director IAGD Friends, I am continually energized by the building momentum of our community development. The IAGD is being recognized within the broader geoscience community as a valuable resource for improving access and accommodation within the membership of the many geoscience sub-disciplines. Through...
Geoscience Graduates in High Demand: Increasing Need for Advanced Access and Inclusion in Geoscience Training?
According to the latest Status of the Geoscience Workforce Report from the American Geoscience Institute, released May 2014, jobs requiring training in the geosciences continue to be lucrative and in-demand. Even with increased enrollment and graduation from geoscience programs, the data still project a shortage of around 135,000 geoscientists...
“On to the Future” – GSA Seeks to Increase Diversity in the Geosciences
The Geological Society of America (GSA) is excited to announce that the On To the Future (OTF) Program is now accepting applications for the 2014 program. On To the Future is a grass roots initiative of The Geological Society of America (GSA) to provide partial-funding for diverse students to...
About Us:
The IAGD is a 501c3, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization. 100% of all donations support inclusive and accessible programs for students and geoscientists with disabilities.