5. The IAGD Foundation Update
The development of the IAGD has proved to be a slow process, but we are making progress. We are currently seeking advice from other similar associations to be sure we are the most prepared for the future of the foundation. The establishment of this foundation will enable the IAGD to develop and provide a number of innovative opportunities for both students and researchers focusing on access, inclusion, and accommodation in the geosciences. Possible initiatives to be supported through the IAGD Foundation include travel support for students to be involved in geoscience opportunities or to present their research at national and international conferences; seed grants to those interested in conducting research on accessibility in the geosciences; and grants for researchers to include students with disabilities in their geoscience studies.
We are seeking both corporate or individuals who are interested in sponsoring awards. These “named” awards will include recognition and monetary prizes for both students and researchers who are doing exemplary work to promote access to the geosciences, either through access and accommodation research, or geoscience research that is inclusive of all students, regardless of physical ability.
Be sure to follow the development of the IAGD Foundation on the website.
If you have any questions or suggestions, or if you would like to assist in the planning and development of the IAGD Foundation, please contact us at foundation@theiagd.org.