January 2015 IAGD Newsletter: IAGD Member Highlights
Chris Atchison, , IAGD January 2015 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
IAGD Member Highlights By Ruth Armbruster, current intern with the US Forest Service through GeoCorps America. It’s great to...
July 2016 IAGD Newsletter: Access and Inclusion Resources
Chris Atchison, , IAGD July 2016 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
9. Access and Inclusion Resources IAGD Accessible Instruction Workshop The IAGD is pleased to continue offering the Accessible Instruction...
January 2014 IAGD Newsletter: IAGD Community Quick Hits
Chris Atchison, , IAGD January 2014 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
10. IAGD Community Quick Hits Are you working on research that will directly impact the inclusion of students with...
July 2015 IAGD Newsletter: Synergistic Happenings
Chris Atchison, , IAGD July 2015 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
6. Synergistic Happenings American Geosciences Institute coordinates Consensus Statement Regarding Access and Inclusion of Individuals Living with Disabilities AGI’s...
June 2012 IAGD Newsletter: Conference symposia to promote access and inclusion:
Chris Atchison, , IAGD June 2012 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletter, Newsletters, 0
2. Conference symposia to promote access and inclusion: • International Geoscience Congress, August 5-10, 2012, Brisbane, Australia Symposium: 1.2...
Increasing Exposure by Presenting Student Research by: Sean Thatcher
Sean Thatcher, , IAGD January 2018 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
Presenting research at local, regional, and national conferences is not only important to academics and professionals, but also for...
June 2014 IAGD Newsletter: Events and Activities at the 2014 GSA Annual Meeting
Chris Atchison, , IAGD June 2014 Newsletter, IAGD Meetings, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
4. Events and Activities at the 2014 GSA Annual Meeting IAGD Annual Meeting: Don’t forget to attend the...
January 2014 IAGD Newsletter: GSA Supports Student Diversity at the Annual Meeting
Chris Atchison, , IAGD January 2014 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
5. GSA Supports Student Diversity at the Annual Meeting The Geological Society of America (GSA) launched a new diversity...
About Us:
The IAGD is a 501c3, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization. 100% of all donations support inclusive and accessible programs for students and geoscientists with disabilities.