The deadline has been extended to apply for the InTeGrate Broadening Access to the Earth and Environmental Sciences: Increasing the Diversity of Undergraduate Students Learning About the Earth on February 23-25, 2014 at Arizona State University ( The new deadline is now January 15, 2014.

This workshop will focus on strategies for increasing the diversity of students graduating from all types of programs with a substantial geoscience component and supporting their successful entry into the workforce.  Many institutions have a wealth of experience working with diverse students that others can learn from.  In order to share the best of our successes, we need to have participants with this kind of expertise at the workshop.

Meeting our global, environmental, and resource challenges of the future will require that we attract a diverse population of students into the geosciences early in their academic careers, support them fully in our programs, and assist them as they transition into the workforce. With your participation we hope to develop a synthesis of successful strategies that can be implemented across a broad range of institutions and contexts to do these things.

There is no fee to attend the workshop and the project grant covers double-occupancy participant lodging, meals, and supplies during the workshop. Participants or their institutions are expected to cover the cost of travel to and from the workshop. Participants are eligible to apply for workshop stipends to help defray travel expenses in cases of financial need. Stipends are available for airfare only. The deadline to apply for the workshop (as well as the travel stipends) has been extended until January 15, 2014.


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