1.   Greetings from the IAGD Director

IAGD Friends,

I am continually energized by the building momentum of our community development.  The IAGD is being recognized within the broader geoscience community as a valuable resource for improving access and accommodation within the membership of the many geoscience sub-disciplines.  Through the international expansion of our membership, this awareness will only grow.  However, we should all keep in mind that the strength of the IAGD as a resource is a result of the diverse perspectives of access and inclusion within our community.  The more diverse the IAGD network becomes, in ability, knowledge, and overall experience, the more valuable we become as a resource for our geoscience partners.  We have much more work to do.  We need to continue to build our resources to promote greater accessibility for the broader geoscience communities.

The Association has seen considerable impact on the geoscience community over the past two years, but we must keep moving forward in progress and innovation.  The two-year term of our first Executive Committee will conclude at this year’s annual meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia.  It has been a pleasure to work with each of the current committee members and hope that they continue to advise and support the incoming committee.  I encourage each of you to take an active role in shaping our future directions through the governance of the Association; anyone can be nominated for the IAGD Executive Committee.

Please stay connected with us.  We hope to see you at the 2014 IAGD Annual Meeting on Sunday, October 19 in Vancouver, British Columbia.  If you are unable to attend the annual meeting, the IAGD Virtual Meeting will again be held via webcast at the end of the fall semester, in mid-December.  The exact date will be announced during the annual meeting.  Also, please inform us of any personal updates to your contact information, and let us know if you have any ideas or suggestions for improving the IAGD community.

I personally thank you all for your hard work and diligence in building the IAGD network and promoting the accessibility of our science.


Chris Atchison


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©2025 IAGD. The IAGD is a 501c3, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization.

Disclaimer: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0939645. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


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