NSF STEM for All Video Showcase: Research & Design for Impact, 2017 stemforall2017.videohall.com/

The event showcased cutting-edge NSF-funded work as well as work funded by other federal agencies aimed at improving teaching and learning of STEM for students from underrepresented groups. During the event the public were asked to vote for the videos they found most inspiring. Out of 171 submissions the IAGD video entitled “The Impact of Inclusion: Designing accessible field-based learning in the Geosciences” came top in the public choice category.
The video showcases one of many projects developed by the IAGD highlighting the impact of creating inclusive and accessible field courses for students with disabilities. In this NSF GEOPATH project, students with diverse physical abilities from around the United States were taken to several field sites in northern Arizona to learn about the Earth and how to create an inclusive community of learning in a commonly inaccessible field-based discipline. Students and faculty worked together to share their knowledge and personal experiences all while using technology to remain connected to their colleagues when separated by physical barriers at every field site.
See the video at stemforall2017.videohall.com/presentations/920