Application Deadline Extended! Minorities Striving and Pursuing Higher Degrees of Success in GEO REU Professional Development Program

The application deadline for the Minorities Striving and Pursuing Higher Degrees of Success in GEO REU (MS PHD’S–GEO REU) Professional Development Program has been extended to September 22, 2014! This exciting new program hosted by the Institute for Broadening Participation (IBP) offers full financial support to attend the 2014...

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“On to the Future” – GSA Seeks to Increase Diversity in the Geosciences

The Geological Society of America (GSA) is excited to announce that the On To the Future (OTF) Program is now accepting applications for the 2014 program. On To the Future is a grass roots initiative of The Geological Society of America (GSA) to provide partial-funding for diverse students to...

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Application Deadline for InTeGrate Workshop Extended

The deadline has been extended to apply for the InTeGrate Broadening Access to the Earth and Environmental Sciences: Increasing the Diversity of Undergraduate Students Learning About the Earth on February 23-25, 2014 at Arizona State University ( The new deadline is now January 15, 2014. This workshop will focus...

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Teaching How to Teach

Teaching How to Teach

A blind PhD student teaches others how to make their classrooms more inclusive. Story by Erik Potter Due to a degenerative retinal condition, Gina Ceylan’s vision had been slipping slowly — sometimes quickly — since childhood. Then, one morning in the middle of her master’s program in geology at...

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Massive, Open and Online: MOOC Science Courses Provide Enhanced Accessibliity

Dr. Kathleen Nicoll, Associate Professor of Geography at the University of Utah, and Director of Foundations for the International Association for Geoscience Diversity (IAGD) was recently quoted in the Scientific American article: “Students Say Online Courses Enrich On-Campus Learning” describing the benefits of Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs,...

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Field School of Deaf Geographies (FSDG) undergraduate experience and faculty workshop being held at Queens University, summer 2013

The Bader International Study Centre of Queen’s University (Canada) will be hosting the inaugural Field School of Deaf Geographies (FSDG) for undergraduate students from 17th June to 15th July. The school will be held in the picturesque setting of Queen University’s (Canada) picturesque Herstmonceux Castle, situated in East Sussex....

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Provost’s Postdoctoral Research Scientist/Scholar Program

Palisades, NY – Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University invites applications for the Provost’s Postdoctoral Research Scientist/Scholar Program. The goal of this program is to enhance the recruitment of outstanding postdoctoral scholars from underrepresented groups to more closely reflect the composition of the national pool of qualified candidates. The...

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Community Input Sought Regarding Broadening Participation Programs in the Geosciences

Community Input Sought Regarding Broadening Participation Programs in the Geosciences

Dear Colleague Letter – Changes to the Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) Education and Diversity Programs for Fiscal Year 2013 and Solicitation of Community Input Regarding Broadening Participation Programs in the Geosciences Arlington, VA – The purpose of this Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) is to notify the geoscience education and...

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Disclaimer: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0939645. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


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