White House releases report indicating the need for one million graduates from STEM programs
Chris Atchison, , IAGD News, IAGD Programs, AAAS, access, ADA, disabilities, diversity, Engage to Excel, engineering, inclusion, mathematics, minority, PCAST, President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, science, STEM, technology, underrepresented students, White House, 0
Washington, DC – In a public briefing at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the President’s...
New Study Released on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Participation among College Students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
Chris Atchison, , IAGD News, IAGD Press Releases, 0
A new SRI-led study finds that people with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are significantly more likely to choose STEM...
A Tactile Moon
Chris Atchison, , IAGD News, IAGD Research, 0
Institution: Astronomical Observatory – University of Valencia (Spain) Primary Contact or Principal Investigator: Amelia Ortiz-Gil Contact Information: Observatorio Astronómico...
Why are you working so hard for so few students?
Chris Atchison, , IAGD News, 0
Why I Give Chris Atchison, Executive Director, IAGD “Why are you working so hard for so few students?” This...
The IAGD Wish list: Things we could really use in 2020 and beyond
Anita Marshall, , IAGD News, 0
The holiday season is upon us, which means fundraising season is in full swing. The International Association for Geoscience...
Academic Resource Center Guides Geology Student Off the Beaten Path
Chris Atchison, , IAGD News, Joe Gurriere, Kirsten Nicolaysen, MiKayla Briere; Academic Resource Center, Whitman College, 0
Originally published May, 2011. “Good morning everyone,” began an email written by Kirsten Nicolaysen, assistant professor of geology, to...
Revisiting the NSTA Position Statement on Students with Disabilities
Chris Atchison, , IAGD News, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, National Research Council, National Science Teachers Association, NSTA position statement, students with disabilties, 0
This academic year marks the 10th anniversary for the development of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Position Statement...
Chris Atchison, , IAGD News, 0
NAGD member David Stallman on his recent election to the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME), and appointment...
About Us:
The IAGD is a 501c3, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization. 100% of all donations support inclusive and accessible programs for students and geoscientists with disabilities.