10. Help Build the IAGD Network
January 2014 IAGD Newsletter: Accessible Field Trip at GSA
Chris Atchison, , IAGD January 2014 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Trips, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
4. Accessible Field Trip at GSA The IAGD is pleased to announce that there will be a completely accessible...
January 2015 IAGD Newsletter: Membership Update
Chris Atchison, , IAGD January 2015 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
Membership Update Our first International Ambassador has been appointed! With an IAGD community quickly growing in India, R.M. Ananya...
July 2016 IAGD Newsletter: IAGD Community Experiences
Chris Atchison, , IAGD July 2016 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
7. IAGD Community Experiences »Tactile Resources Broaden Participation Edinboro University Planetarium This brief highlight is on the efforts being...
January 2013 IAGD Newsletter: Promoting the IAGD
Chris Atchison, , IAGD January 2013 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletter, newsletter, 0
9. Promoting the IAGD Become a member of the IAGD! The IAGD is looking to connect with new members...
July 2015 IAGD Newsletter: Letter from the Executive Director
Chris Atchison, , IAGD July 2015 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
1. Letter from the Executive Director Dear IAGD Community, Each year I have the pleasure of teaching a lesson...
January 2016 IAGD Newsletter: Seeking Foundation Sponsorship
Chris Atchison, , IAGD January 2016 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
6. Seeking Foundation Sponsorship The IAGD is currently seeking individual and corporate sponsorship to achieve our foundation goals. IAGD...
Accessible Volcanology at Mt. St. Helens by: Dr. Cole Kingsbury
Cole Kingsbury, , IAGD January 2018 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
Mount St. Helens, one of ~15 major volcanic edifices along the Cascade Range, erupted in spectacular fashion on the...
July 2015 IAGD Newsletter: Recent Meeting Notables
Chris Atchison, , IAGD July 2015 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
4. Recent Meeting Notables »Confronting Barriers to Inclusion – Opening the Gate to Accessible Fieldwork Alison Stokes, Executive Counselor...
About Us:
The IAGD is a 501c3, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization. 100% of all donations support inclusive and accessible programs for students and geoscientists with disabilities.