8. New earth science IDL course for STEM graduate students

A new Inclusive Design for Learning (IDL) course for STEM graduate students was developed and taught this spring by IAGD member Gina Ceylan. This course has the overarching goal of providing future faculty with the knowledge and skills for more effectively teaching students with diverse abilities. Students learn IDL within the context of
1) shifting attitudes towards diverse abilities,
2)building an inclusive pedagogical toolbox, and
3) adapting existing approaches and creating new approaches and resources for specific STEM contexts.
With the Gina’s support, two geoscience graduate students created an inclusively designed unit on viscosity & volcanoes for an intro geology course, to be implemented this summer. The students clearly outlined their goals, formal and informal assessments, and aligned with principles of the IDL framework. The lesson design aims to minimize access barriers, maximize student learning, and remain flexible for adaptation to individual student needs and accommodation. After several iterative improvements incorporating peer, faculty, and student feedback, the team plans to implement the lesson in an intro geology course this summer, and share their resources and insights both through the IAGD and at AGU this fall. These excellent students are the first in a growing MU BRIDGE (Building & Researching Inclusively Designed Geoscience Ed) learning community, and we are excited for future contributions to IAGD and our larger geo community.
Select student comments:
• “The class was an eye-opener for me. I feel I now have an awareness of the different types of learners around me. I am also aware of the resources, groups, and tools I can use to make my classes more inclusive.”
• “I feel that inclusive design is about changing my attitude as a teacher and trying different approaches to make everyone’s experience in the classroom better.”
• “I was struck most when learning about IDL and resources we examined/discussed during class how beneficial multi-modal pedagogical approaches are to all students.”
For more information about this course, or the learning community, please contact Gina Ceylan at gmafz9@mail.missouri.edu

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Disclaimer: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0939645. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


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