2016 IAGD-GSA Accessible Field Trips Announced!
Chris Atchison, , IAGD Trips, 0
The International Association for Geoscience Diversity is excited to announce TWO concurrent accessible field trips that will be offered...
Touching People With Disabilites One Person At A Time
Chris Atchison, , IAGD News, IAGD Programs, Autism, Chris Atchison, disabilites, eTech Ohio, Mammoth Cave, OETC, Shinyyouth, Trent Hanna, 0
By: Trent Hanna Columbus, OH – Chris Atchison has an idea to help those with mobile disabilities to see...
New study on the intersection of disability and race/ethnicity in the geosciences seeks participants
Ian Castro, , IAGD News, IAGD Research, 0
About the Study Over the last decade, there has been an increase in research looking into the social and...
Virtual Reality Could Keep You From Being a Surgical Guinea Pig
Chris Atchison, , IAGD News, 0
The Ohio Supercomputer Center Outreach Team would like to share this story that just posted to the Wired.com Science...
Gina Ceylan wins Chancellor’s Award for Excellence
Chris Atchison, , IAGD News, ADA, blind, disabilities, doctoral student, Gina Ceylan, Graduate Student Leadership Award, science education, University of Missouri, 0
Columbia, MO – Gina Ceylan, a doctoral student in science education, has won a 2011 Graduate Student Leadership Award....
Atchison presents at 2012 Ohio Educational Technology Conference
Chris Atchison, , IAGD Conferences, IAGD News, Chris Atchison, director, eTech Ohio, IAGD, OETC 2012, Perserverance regardless of perspective and abiltity, 0
Columbus, OH – Chris Atchison, Director of the IAGD recently presented at the eTech Ohio Educational Technology Conference (OETC). ...
IAGD Mammoth Cave & Corvette Museum Accessible Field Trip, Geological Society of America 2018
Anita Marshall, , IAGD Conferences, IAGD News, IAGD Trips, field trip, GSA, 0
Each year, the IAGD coordinates an Accessible field trip for the Geological Society Annual meeting. This year, the IAGD...
About Us:
The IAGD is a 501c3, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization. 100% of all donations support inclusive and accessible programs for students and geoscientists with disabilities.