6. Upcoming Events
- 13-14 March GSA South-Central Section Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA
- T9: Fostering Cultures of Deliberate Inclusion in Geosciences (IAGD Sponsored)
- 19-21 March GSA Northeastern/North-Central Joint Section Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- https://www.geosociety.org/nc-mtg
- T11: Improving Undergraduate STEM Education and Advancing Diversity in the Geosciences—How Are We Doing? (IAGD Sponsored)
- T14: There’s an App for That: Using Technology Developments, Innovations, Resources, and Applications to Enhance Undergraduate Geoscience Education
- T43: Women in Geology: Encouraging the Future
- Workshop 1: 3D Printing of Terrain Models
- 19-21 March GSA Northeastern/North-Central Joint Section Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- 30-31 March GSA Southeastern Section Meeting, Richmond, VA, USA
- https://www.geosociety.org/se-mtg
- T4: Digital Imaging Techniques for Enhancing Student Learning and Research
- 30-31 March GSA Southeastern Section Meeting, Richmond, VA, USA
- 23-25 May GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting, Honolulu, HI, USA
- https://www.geosociety.org/cd-mtg
- Workshop 5: Integrating Virtual Grand Canyon Field Trips into Your High-Enrollment Introductory Geoscience Class
- 23-25 May GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting, Honolulu, HI, USA
- 9-10 June GSA Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Calgary, AB, Canada
- https://www.geosociety.org/rm-mtg
- Workshop 4: Using Virtual Field Experiences (VFEs) to Enhance Learning in Undergraduate Geology Courses
- 23-28 April EGU 2017, Vienna, Austria
- http://egu2017.eu/information/general_information.html
- EOS8: Promoting and Supporting Equality of Opportunities in Geoscience
- EOS11: Accessible Geoscience
- EOS14: Geoethics: Ethical, Social and Cultural Implications of Geoscience Knowledge, Education, Research and Practice
- 17-21 July Earth Educators’ Rendezvous 2017, Albuquerque, NM, USA
- IAGD Inclusive Geoscience Education Workshop Inclusion in the Geosciences-Instructional Approaches to Access and Accommodation
- http://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2017/program/afternoon_workshops/w7.html
- 23-28 April EGU 2017, Vienna, Austria