Minneapolis, MN – The Geology and Society division is pleased to announce the winners of the 2010 Best Student Paper Awards. They are Jimmy Randolph of the University of Minnesota and Christopher Atchison of Ohio State University (now a faculty member at Georgia State University). Each will receive public recognition at the annual business meeting of the Division and a check for $300.
Dr. Atchison’s paper was titled “Geoscience Field Experiences and the Inclusion of Students with Mobility Impairments.” It examined bringing field experiences to mobility-impaired students. Students were given classroom instruction and then taken into Mammoth Cave. Follow-up interviews helped the students and the researchers to understand the role of field experiences, student needs, and the barriers to meeting them. Ultimately the goal was to minimize the barriers through a combination of carefully planned future field experiences and “virtual” experiences.
Judges’ comments included, “Impact from a societal view is very large. Presented with passion, humor, and knowledge!”, “The presenter is involved in pioneering work that addresses the goal of broadening participation in the geosciences”, and “Not your typical GSA talk.”
For more, visit the Geology and Society Division’s newsletter.