January 2013 IAGD Newsletter: IAGD Student Community
Chris Atchison, , IAGD January 2013 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
10. IAGD Student Community STUDENT MEMBERS WANTED! Students are especially encouraged to join and help us continue to build...
June 2014 IAGD Newsletter: IAGD Global Ambassadors Wanted
Chris Atchison, , IAGD June 2014 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
7. IAGD Global Ambassadors Wanted Are you interested in representing your country on the IAGD Network? The IAGD...
Geoscience Accessibility Action in the United Kingdom by: Dr. Jacqueline Houghton
Jacqui Houghton, , IAGD January 2018 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
The IAGD U.K. Chapter Alison Stokes (former Executive Counsellor) and Jacqui Houghton (Executive Counsellor) are setting up a UK...
January 2016 IAGD Newsletter: Mark Your Calendars!
Chris Atchison, , IAGD January 2016 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
5. Mark Your Calendars! »Earth Educators’ Rendezvous 2016 http://serc.carleton.edu/earth_rendezvous/2016/overview.html 18 – 22 July 2016 / Hosted by the University...
July 2015 IAGD Newsletter: Synergistic Happenings
Chris Atchison, , IAGD July 2015 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
6. Synergistic Happenings American Geosciences Institute coordinates Consensus Statement Regarding Access and Inclusion of Individuals Living with Disabilities AGI’s...
January 2017 IAGD Newsletter: Get Involved!
Chris Atchison, , IAGD January 2017 Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
9. Get Involved! The IAGD is seeking individuals who are interested in collaborating to create accessible instructional materials, inclusive...
June 2014 IAGD Newsletter: IAGD Community Quick Hits
Chris Atchison, , IAGD June 2014 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletters, Newsletters, 0
9. IAGD Community Quick Hits The IAGD membership continues to expand! The IAGD Network is growing exponentially. IAGD...
June 2012 IAGD Newsletter: Promoting the IAGD
Chris Atchison, , IAGD June 2012 Newsletter, IAGD Newsletters, IAGD Newsletter, Newsletters, 0
5. Promoting the IAGD The IAGD is looking to connect with new members worldwide. If you are aware of...
About Us:
The IAGD is a 501c3, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization. 100% of all donations support inclusive and accessible programs for students and geoscientists with disabilities.