10. Current Topics in Access & Inclusion
»Biology Professor’s Calling: Teach Deaf Students They Can Do Anything
Gretchen Miller, Executive Counselor
This is a great story about Caroline Solomon, a deaf biology professor at Gallaudet University, who is inspiring her deaf and hearing impaired students to pursue science. Her background is in biology and environmental studies, but her passion is teaching. There’s a great quote in the story, “she gets her students to focus on what they’re capable of, not what they’re limited by.” When I first heard this story on the radio it reminded me of why we’re in the IAGD, to support the next generation of geoscientists of all backgrounds and abilities. (Link to the full story and transcript: http://wunc.org/post/classroom-and-river-modeling-success-science )
»Removing Barriers
Here is a quick read about often overlooked areas of access at meetings, workshops, and conferences: http://tinyurl.com/profconfbarriers
»Building a Global Community
Take a moment to recruit colleagues (faculty, students, and workforce peers) to expand our global, proactive community. Membership is free.
Note: Our next Newsletter is scheduled for January 2016. If you have suggestions for items to be included, please send items for consideration via e-mail to info@iadg.org.