Celebrating its 125th anniversary, the Geological Society of America (GSA) has established a grassroots initiative On To the Future (OTF), aimed at providing partial-funding for 125 diverse students to attend their first GSA Annual Meeting, October 27-30, in Denver, Colorado.  GSA is  this year.

Many GSA members describe their first GSA meeting as an exciting focal point in their professional development. It is the perfect situation for a student to gain exposure to the array of geoscience research and career options. GSA is also adding significant programs that facilitate effective mentoring relationships and networking opportunities. The personal connection accelerates the process of becoming an engaged and involved member of a scientific and professional community, and is an essential catalyst in transforming student into professional.

As society is becoming so very diverse, it is only fitting to be able to support this same opportunity to 125 diverse students.

However, this opportunity is truly grass roots led, with a supportive Executive, Council, GSA Foundation and Diversity Community leading the way, the Society calls for the whole GSA to support this initiative – support, donate, and participate!

Please donate to the OTF fund or volunteer your time.   Visit http://community.geosociety.org/OTF/Home/ for more information and to nominate students.  Find the full announcement here.

For more information, please contact Divya Puri at GSA at dpuri@geosociety.org.


On To the Future (OTF) celebrates the growing diversity of the GSA community and the importance of GSA’s student membership through inviting, supporting, and mentoring an increased number of students from diverse backgrounds to their first GSA meeting. This community is designed to provide a place for OTF student participants to gain exposure to the wide array of geoscience research and career options available to them. It is intended to facilitate effective mentoring relationships and networking opportunities to help OTF participants become engaged members of the scientific and professional community.

On To the Future (OTF) is an initiative of the GSA Diversity Committee with strong support from the GSA President and Council.  The program forms part of GSA’s 125th celebrations and will continue onwards to provide a lasting way for the Society to grow its diverse membership base and provide opportunities to traditionally under-represented groups.


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Disclaimer: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0939645. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


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